Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Every End Presents a New Beginning

Yes, I meant to sound like fortune cookie with that title. Well, I almost feel like I should reintroduce myself because it’s been ages since I’ve written. Oh well, better late than never, I always say. Since my trip to Portugal a while back, a dump truck load of stuff has happened. A few days before finals, we did our usual weekly visit to a cool site in Sevilla. This time, we went to Real Alcázar, an old Moorish palace (which Christian additions, of course). It was beautiful. The designs of the tiles were so incredibly intricate that I couldn’t even believe human beings constructed this place. I guess they really have a knack for interior decorating. There was also a giant garden that smelled wonderfully of jasmine. I basically liked everything about it. I can definitely say that my classmates liked one part in particular of the Alcázar. The underground part, of course. As usual, the weather was being a tad disagreeable, and being down there felt like stepping into an air-conditioned building. Que maravilloso!

Okay, so let’s skip to the best part of the week. After taking the dreaded final exam, I was finally free. (Well, not really because I still had to go back for another round, AKA term #2.) So, that night we ended up going to get tapas with a few of the professors. It was really great. We tried several different kinds. We all got to try patatas bravas, which a sliced up taters with some spicy sauce on them. They were great! I was trying to be adventurous because I’m a foody like that, and I kept asking for random tapas. The waiter kept telling me I wouldn’t like this because it was super deep-fried, or that I wouldn’t like that because la la la. Whatever. He finally let me order something called iberico secreto. It was quite delicious, and secret, too. Unfortunately, one of my amigas got some octopus. You could see its legs just chilling on the plate, and it’s body actually looked like a whoopee cushion. I was scared for her.

After that, we all went to the goodbye party. The majority of the people in our program were signed on for the next term, but some people had to leave. As I enjoy making a fool of myself in front of others, I found a hoola hoop. I really should put being able to hoola on my bucket list because it would be a true accomplishment for me to actually do it for more than -2 seconds. Yes, it’s in negative because I’m that bad. Well, that was still fun. I even roped a few others into giving it a go. We also practiced our flamenco moves from class. I’m sure we looked like quite the circus act. Free drinks, peanuts, and entertainment. What more could you ask for? Well, besides a new house or something. Anyway, I had a lot of fun at the party, and we all ended up checking out some bars later. It was a super late night, to say in the least. I feel that no matter how hard I try, I’m never going to sleep more than six hours a night here. The sad thing was that I had to get up early. Why would I do that if I have a weeklong break before the next term? I’ll tell you why. Several friends and I were going to take the week to hit some major tourist traps around Spain. Yeah, you guessed it: Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. Whew, and what a vacation it was. I’m going to leave you all in suspense now. Stay tuned for the next entry…